Looking for something to do this Labor Day weekend? Look no further then the gallery show of SUPERDOG underdog featuring comic heavyweights Alex Wald and Gene Ha. The show is in the heart of Lincoln Park in Chicago, at the Diane Tanios Gallery.
I'm ready to head out to Minneapolis and had to see this show before the doors closed. The highlights for me were of course Alex Wald and his science fiction madness plus Ultra Monsters, but don't forget the giant kaiju on the wall, your even invited to write around the artwork.(My kind of show) Another favorite of mine is Gene Ha sketches of DC's Batman and Marvel's X-Men. Tony Atkins is also shown with his amazing panels from Star Wars and Aliens pieces. I also picked up a fun zine/comic from Jeff Zwirek about a family and their ADD son. Next time I'll be sure to come opening night. One of my favorite shows of the year. Come out and support these fine hometown artists!